Current mood:
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Today ran the gamut of weather. This morning it was overcast and comparatively warm. Then, as I made my way to The Art of Flowers (where you should get all your floral needs) the clouds parted and the sun came out, if only briefly. I chatted with Becky for a bit, logged onto my MySpace and my Facebook pages and then checked my email through AOL (hate them, the bloody pricks who eat their own young). I have several accounts through many Internet portals but everyone knows my AOL address so I use that one almost exclusively. I then decided to wander, I have been getting back into my five-mile daily walks as well as my morning workouts. It feels good to get back to the fit and healthy Mortimer again.
As I wandered through the city, the clouds began to hide the sun and I made my way through The Hilton hotel and casino, which was slower than expected for a Sunday morning. I emerged on the boardwalk under dark, ominous skies and ignored the rolling chair guys who called to me to hire them.
Before I got to the Tropicana, the clouds released a light rain over the boards and I pulled my umbrella out of my bag and strolled along like the sun was beaming and it was a spring day.
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Love will do that to a fool such as I.
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I was hungry, I didn’t go to ....Brittany....’s Café as I usually do. My lack of funds once again has me counting every cent spent and I decided I needed to feed my addiction and went to the nearest dealer I know and purchased my fix.
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Three soft hot pretzels for a buck fifty! Can’t beat it!
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I then went into Bally’s and ran through the crowds like a mouse in a maze, taking the stairs instead of the escalators that connect the various casinos. The one from Bally’s Wild Wild West to Caesars is nearly three stories high and I can once again take them two at a time without getting winded when I get to the top. I walked through Caesars to The Pier and chatted with my buddy, Phil, who works at the sushi bar. I told him I was going to sit along the picture windows that comprise the entire length of the third floor and read The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Ablom. He had read it and told me it was good. I found an open spot overlooking the stormy ocean, took off my raincoat and sat down to eat my hot pretzels and read.
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I did not stop until I was finished. Both the pretzels and the book.
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To be honest, it’s a quick read, not that wordy but what a read it was. I sat there after reading the last few words with tears streaming down my face, much to the consternation of the people next to me. They weren’t the bookish type so I didn’t even try to explain. I got up, put on my coat, went back to Phil and told him that he could have warned me it was a tearjerker! He laughed at me, of course, and we chatted about the book for a bit. I bid my farewell and walked through the cold rain down the boardwalk and back to The Art of Flowers. I told Becky about the book and she began to read it whilst I went to the workroom computer and logged back on to my MySpace, my Facebook and my AOL once more. I finished up and went out front and she was still reading, quickly. She was up to the third person he meets in heaven (of the five) and I gave her the book to finish while I walked through the snow, which started to come down to get my dinner.
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Ahh…....New Jersey.... weather.
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I picked up a salad at one shop and then pasta and sauce from another and by the time I got home, the sun was out again and it was windy and cold. In this state, if you don’t like the weather, wait ten minutes!
.. ..Tomorrow, I am going to unemployment to file for partial benefits and I’m going to rejoin the gym. Now I’m trying to decide what to read next. I think I’ll do my Ben Franklin biography.
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