08 January 2006

What Day Is This?

How weird. To be off on Saturday night. I am beside myself. Except for this past Christmas (which really doesn't count), I haven't had a Saturday night off in years. So what did I do? I watched movies and then slept. The last of the big time party boys, right? It's unbelievable.
I have to work tonight, yippie! I never thought I would say that. Friday was a non-event. It was so slow at Babes, they let me go at four in the morning, I think I made $10. That's rounding up. What a difference a week makes. Now, with the club being closed, I am really re-thinking this whole "depending on the kindness of strangers" crap. There is an opportunity to get a regular job, within our company, that would mean a salary which, although boring, would solve a lot of the stress that I have around the winter time when the pickings are slim. I have typed up my resume and I am going to turn it in tonight. Wish me luck!
I think I am going to go take a walk, it's almost fifty degrees at one in the afternoon and I haven't done a Sunday stroll in ages! Hell, usually, I am just getting home right now, lol, ready to die.
See you on the boards!