29 January 2006

It's What Time? And I Am Still Home?

I never went out. I looked in my wallet and moths flew out. Reviewing my finances is always a good way to dissuade myself from going out. Poop!

I did go to Little Jose's and used his gym. I didn't feel like walking the two miles to my gym so, I IMed him and coordinated things to use the gym in his building. He sat with me for a bit, and we caught up on the week, I hadn't seen or talked to him since last Sunday. With his work and school, I never get to see my buddy anymore. Poop!

He left (things to do) and I did an abbreviated workout, since the machines there are not much more than what they used in Roman times. Very limited. I got the major areas done, which is what I wanted to do. Just to keep things up. I took a few shots after my workout, it felt weird doing that, almost like I was doing some sort of porn (my clothes were on). I can't believe it's me in the pictures. If Miss Patti gets her errands done early today, I'll have the pictures ready to download and I will post them to both Cafes. I was chatting with Rita the other day and told her she won't recognize me when she comes back from the Philippines in April. I figure I'll send her some shots so she knows it's really me.

I chatted with Miss Tene and it seems I am off the hook about Friday. Good. I didn't need that on my plate.

I haven't been sleeping. I get a few hours in and that's it. And my dreams are very wild and vivid. I am getting a whole lot done around the penthouse, though.

I can't wait to work tonight!

There are a few things over at our original Cafe, for those on the exclusive guest list. It is our flagship location and we don't let just anyone in!


  1. I am so honored to be on the guest list for the first Mortimer's Cafe! I do hope that you get some decent sleep some time; insomnia sucks. BTDT; on meds now.

    Enjoy the day??


  2. wow..you're doing well on your work out....looking good!..no ..great!
    Gem :-)
