06 April 2006

An Actual Entry And An Apology

I just got back from the gym and boy do I feel great. I kept the weight levels up but, there were a few things that I needed to pull back on, I just couldn't do it. Dorian and Miss Patti were with. I must say, Dorian is looking great, I am a little jealous. It's the same problem I had with Little Jose, they are shorter than me. I have noticed that shorter guys develop quicker. I am stronger than Dorian but, he just looks so much better! Ugh! Oh well. That's why I am in the gym. Not for others, for myself. I am looking way better than I have a year ago.

I have gotten a little feedback about not posting in this forum. You see, I use the other Cafe for venting about personal things. The people who read it are those I trust compleatly. I am very sorry if I have offended people who read this Cafe but, I got burned by some people I work with who used the things I wrote to get me in trouble. I will not have those so-called former friends access to something that can do me harm. I found out that my trust is too compleat with certain parties and I got hurt. Badly. To this day, I am still deeply hurting over what was done to me. Now, only those whom I have had a long relationship with, and those with no ties to anything around me are allowed to read the flagship Cafe. I will take great pains to write in here more regularly, about the club and my life. I have been remiss and I do apologize for that. I hope everyone understands.

Tomorrow, I have a few things to do, laundry, office, work. I can't believe that I went from working three days to doing forty plus hours. This is nuts. It's much more than a full time job but, I love it. The owner pulled me aside and complimented me. He said the staff was thrilled that I was promoted and he thought it was a good choice as well. That made me feel great.

I think I'll put on a movie and do some laundry. I am on an endorphin rush and I know I'll never get to sleep for hours!


  1. isn't it nice to be complimented on a job well done,especially because I know you are giving it your all and really making a go of it. nice that others are thinking the same :)


  2. Compliments are good, especially when well deserved. And don't worry about Dorian or little Jose you've stayed committed and you look great ... what else really matters?
    Smooches to the thriller of the staff ;-)
    *** Coy ***

  3. Damn you rock:) So glad that work has turned out so well, especially when it looked like you might be out of there a time or two in the past.

    Sucks that you got betrayed by "friends". I am "friendly" with people at work but "friends" with none. To me, work and friends just don't mix.

    My Blog

  4. Damn you rock:) So glad that work has turned out so well, especially when it looked like you might be out of there a time or two in the past.

    Sucks that you got betrayed by "friends". I am "friendly" with people at work but "friends" with none. To me, work and friends just don't mix.

    My Blog

  5. This may be a duplicate because the comment popup timed out as I sent it.

    Great that things are rocking along at work.

    Personally, I have found that "friends" and work don't mix. I am very "friendly" with people at work but consider them acquaintenances, not friends. Hate that you got burned.

    My Blog

  6. OK, 3rd try...blogger is acting up on commenting today.

    I am so stoked that you have done so well with the new job and getting the recognition that you deserve. Especially when it seemed you might be out the door a while back.

    It sucks that you got betrayed by "friends" at work. I have found that for me, friends and work don't mix well. Have you seen that funny Mc Donalds commercial where the two girls are at lunch "My boss has a crush on John"? funny stuff.

    My Blog
