13 June 2020


The week is nearly done and re-opening day is coming up fast. It's been a lot of work, organising, cleaning, ordering, scheduling, changing protocols, there's so much to do to get the bar open again after three months of a stay-at-home pandemic shutdown. And the coronavirus protocols haven't made it any easier, they are needed and we are confident to reopen safely but the extra steps will take some getting used to. And there's the problem with other humans, we are an unpredictable lot and making sure our guests follow the new rules will be a test of our service industry skills, especially with the country so divided over what's safe. In our social media world, going viral during a pandemic for the wrong reasons is an insidious irony and I want to make sure we get this right. Not to mention the local and state agencies breathing down our necks with inspections and visits. I'm confident. But I've worked here long enough to know that we plan, the Claridge laughs. She's a beautiful building but she has a mind of her own. Ninety years of standing tall gives her that privilege and the unpredictable happens there on nearly a daily basis. 
I'm confident. 
Looking ahead, though, I doubt I'll be getting a day off or much sleep for at least the next week. It's so important to make this a success, I'll have to be there around the clock to make sure everything is done right. 
On a personal note, two of my friends have had serious health scares within a week of each other and I feel so terrible that I can't drop everything and help them through it. They have significant others in their lives so I know they are being well cared for but I feel like I'm a rotten friend because my life is so consumed with work. 
Although I want to write more, I have so many things to do before work I have to end this here. Changing out my seasonal wardrobes, getting some exercise in, getting ready, and then it's off to work all day. 

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