23 January 2023

Lucky Rabbit!

Falling is not fun. Actually, not falling is not fun. Let me explain. Yesterday started off as every Sunday has for the last two years or so, with my usual morning routine. Up early, social media, breakfast, feed the cat, prepare for the day of work ahead. I had just finished showering and I decided to clean one of the tiled walls whilst in there, it's a habit I picked up years ago. It's an easier way to clean the shower stall, scrub a different wall every time you're in there and when you don't have to do the entire thing every week, which I always found to be one of the harder chores. As I was putting back the cleaner and turned to rinse myself off one last time, my foot slipped and I began falling backwards through the shower curtain. It literally flashed into my head the scene of me hitting the sink counter and really hurting myself, it was strange seeing it so vividly. I instinctively reached out and grabbed the bar that our previous tenants had, thankfully, installed and caught myself by, I guess with the adrenaline and my reflexes, I yanked myself back so forcefully that I smashed my forehead and nose straight into the tiles. I immediately knew I had hurt myself pretty good, I could feel the welt swelling on my forehead right away. And the blood that began gushing from the cut across the bridge of my nose that I could see dripping down and into the drain told me that my nose wasn't in that great of shape, either. I quickly blew my nose and confirmed that I had blood on the inside, too. The pain of smashing my face was insistent, as you can imagine. I rinsed off, shut everything off and started to dry myself off, trying not to get too much blood all over my towel. Band-Aid, usual after-shower routine and I had to get ready for work. Of course, I had to post a quick social media update because I am 'that person'. 

To add to my misery, on the way to work the Jitney I was on was stopped at Texas Ave. for much longer than usual. From where I was sitting, I couldn't tell if there was an accident or just weekend traffic going across the city. I pulled out my ear bud and heard the driver talking to another one about a gas issue. After a little more fussing around, the driver announced that he was, indeed, out of gas and we'd all have to take the next bus coming up behind him. We squeezed into that bus and off we went down Pacific Ave. until I finally got off at my stop and walked to the Distillery and was a half-hour late for work. 

Can't verify the Year of the Rabbit is a lucky one, since my very first day of the new lunar calendar was so... eventful. 

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